Lemon Peel for Thyroid & Arthritis Joint Pain Home Remedies

How to Use Lemon Peel for Thyroid:

The thyroid is one of the disgusted diseases of human body initiates for excessive emission of a single gland than normal proportionate, and once this incorporates you, it is hard to get rid of the signs of thyroid in your entire life.

However, thankfully we have some helpful homely ingredients in our hands which aid us to cure the signs of thyroid absolutely natural manner and lemon peel is probably one of the best products among them.

The medicinal properties found in dried lemon peel help to regulate thyroid functioning flawlessly along with cleansing the body toxin products swiftly. Let’s find out the proper process of using this method in this attempt-

How to Prepare Dry Lemon Peel:

  • Peel off lemon peels from 2-3 lemons and let them dry for a couple of days in the sunny spot of your house.
  • Once they are dried enough, rind those peels in your mixer grinder until they turn to smother or form into fine dust.
  • Now, strain the dust through a sieve and store into a glass jar with tight lid in the dry place of your kitchen.

How to Use:

  • Make lemon peel tea using 1 teaspoon of this dust peel powder into 1 cup of hot water along with 1 teaspoon of honey into it.
  • Drink this solution 2 times a day for 5 weeks, and see how magically you can control your thyroid problem entirely without the help of any expensive medication process.
  • You can also consume grated lemon peel with a sprinkle of sugar directly to get a similar effect in your thyroid problem innately.

How to Use Lemon Peel for Arthritis:

The medical essential oils found in lemon peel help to relax the blood vessels in our body, while the anti-inflammatory properties swell the joint inflammation in our bone effectively.

Consequently, lemon peel works admirably to cure the arthritis problem and prevent it from hitting back on the same spot again.

The lemon oil, citronella, phellandrene, vitamin C, etc. properties work optimistically in the reduction of joint inflammation, and directly cures the arthritis problem within just a few applications. Let’ see how to use it in this regard properly-

How to Prepare:

  • Peel off lemon peels from some large size lemons with a peeler and wash them finely with lots of running water.
  • Now, dry the wet peel perfectly with a dry soft towel and let them air dry for several hours in the normal temperature of your room.

How to Use it for Arthritis:

  • Once the drying process is done, place them in a large jar and fill the jar with enough olive oil to cover the margin of dried lemon peels entirely.
  • Now, spread a few eucalyptus leaves over the top of the oil surface and set the lid off that jar as much tightly as you can.
  • Then, use the solution perfectly for 2 weeks and keep the jar in a dry place uninterruptedly.
  • After that certain duration, take a mild amount of this solution on some gauze and place it on your painful joints.
  • Let it work there for an overnight and clean out on the next day morning. Repeat this process regularly, until you get satisfactory result on your joint inflammation effectively.

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