Arteries of the Extremities

Arteries of the Extremities:

The arteries of the extremities or the upper limbs contain 4 chief sections to supply blood to the entire tissues of that part of our body. These four arteries are-

  • Axillary
  • Brachial
  • Radial
  • And Ulnar

Among these four major parts, the axillary artery supplies oxygenated blood to the shoulder region and to the entire parts of our upper limb. The brachial artery supplies blood to the posterior sections of the arms. The radial artery is responsible for the blood supplies in the deep muscles of the forearms and the wrist portion, while the ulnar artery supplies the medial aspects of the hands along with forearms and wrist.

The blood flow rate in these arteries is varied by the ambient temperature in a person, as once a human contains low temperature than the normal proportion, the volume of blood reduces itself in the arteries of extremities automatically.

Any kind of mild to major injury could drive lethal outcome to these arteries and any kind of disruption also could lead to some serious issues in our health. Excessive bleeding, blood clot under the skin, tingle hands, cold hands, pale skin, hand numbness, etc. are some possible health issues one could have due to the interruption in their blood flow in these arteries of extremities.

Arteries of Lower Extremities:

The lower limb or lower extremities arteries contain a variable number of sections in the inferior part of our legs. The Femoral artery is the major part of lower limb section which connects external iliac artery with the abdominal aorta artery.

According to the anatomy, the femoral artery is actually the iliac artery that forms as this new condition when crosses under the inguinal ligament to enter the femoral triangle through three main branches in your lower limb section.

Apart from the main artery in lower extremities, there are some other main arteries found in the entire lower limb area starting from the thigh. Among them, Anterior Tibial artery and Dorsalis artery are two chief divisions which are connected with the other related vessels directly.  The entire vessels there divided into several major artery types and they are consequently

  • Superior gluteal artery
  • Inferior artery
  • Fibular artery
  • Posterior artery
  • Adductor hiatus artery
  • Popliteal artery
  • Obturator artery
  • Gluteal artery, etc.

Any kind of disruption or uncontrollable blood flow grows in these arteries could drive fluctuation in blood pressure, blood clots in lower limb, cold feet, tingled feet, high glucose in the blood, etc. types of issues in your lower limb areas. Sometimes even continuous disruption in lower extremities could initiate some chronic diseases in a person to and calf muscles, stiff feet, undefined fatigue in lower legs, etc. are some of those kinds, but HANK is the most dangerous chronic illness one can have for the insufficient blood supplies in the arteries of lower extremities.

You can use different types of curing methods on your obstructed arteries in lower limb according to its intensity. Normal medications, surgical treatments, and external therapies all are of those possible healing process you can apply here, depending on the problem in such arteries or the force of such uneasiness to promote the blood microcirculation naturally.