A woman body needs excessive nutrients and nourishment during the period of pregnancy, thus it is essential to follow a perfect diet chart throughout this period. Doctors basically insist on taking extra care during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, and they also clarify that any sort of nutrient lack in your diet could directly affect […]
Tag: home remdies

Six to Fix Your Hypertension – Natural Home Remedies for High BP
[tps_header]Every time when your heart beats, it pumps a lot of blood to various parts of your body to supply the organs with the energy and oxygen it needs. The blood will flow in your blood vessels only by pushing at the sides of the vessels. This pressure required for the movement of blood is […]

7 Best Home Remedies for Foot Corn for Quick Relief
Foot Corn Foot corn is developed when the skin present in the foot, hardens due to the effects of friction and pressure. In rare cases, they also develop in various parts of the body other than the feet. They also develop due to the prolonged usage of ill-fitting shoes. Foot Corn can be treated with […]