Banana Peel for Dry Skin and Itchy Skin

Banana Peel for Itchy Skin:

Banana peel contains anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties in a huge amount that make this thing a superbly effective component against the dermatological issues.

The husk of this yellowish fruit is also rich in cooling properties, which soothe the skin irritation and reduce the itchy feeling effectively.

Whether it is eczema, skin rash or any other itching problem, banana peel has to show its affectivity on every single skin issue. You know the clever part of using banana peel to get rid of itchy skin? That it works in a complete chemical free way; helps to reduce the skin discoloration as well as the itchiness.

So, if you are trying to buy your money on a few expensive dermatological creams because of any kind of irritation or itchiness, then, hold your penny back and try out this method once. We are sure that you wouldn’t try any other medication on itchy skin, after watching the magical effect of banana peel in such matters. Let’s check out the precise applying process first-

How to

  • At the initial stage, blend a clean banana peel take out the paste into a bowl.
  • Now, apply that paste on your itchy skin in an even layer with the help of a spatula.
  • Then, let it work on your skin surface for at least 10-15 minutes.
  • After that duration, soak a soft piece of cloth into lukewarm water and wipe out the paste gently.
  • Repeat this process twice to thrice a day and you will get rid of the itchiness within a couple of days.

Banana Peel for Dry Skin:

Banana peel is loaded with vitamin B along with some beneficial nutrients like potassium, magnesium, and etc. elements.

These components work as a natural moisturizer that reduces the excessive dryness from our cells and makes our skin soft or supple that we have always craved. The lutein antioxidant property wipes out the toxins, hydrates the skin cells, and keeps the unwanted dryness away from our skin.

On the other hand, some kind of beneficial fatty acids found in banana peel work as an organic lotion to our skin and control the excess dryness effectively.

The inside white portion of a banana peel contains the mineral parts in an excessive amount, thus, whenever you need to moisturized your skin naturally, just rub that portion gently on your skin surface of a banana peel and get instant softness on your surface naturally. Let’s find out how to use this organic method to diminish the skin dryness easily-

How to

  • Take out the peel from a fully ripe banana and wash it clearly with normal water.
  • Now, cut out the whole peel into small pieces and place them into your food processor.
  • After blending the peel into a smooth paste, take it out in a small mixing bowl.
  • Now, add ½ tbsp of raw honey and 1 tsp of rosewater into the paste.
  • Stir the whole thing for several times and apply the solution on your dry skin surface.
  • Wait for half an hour and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • People, who are allergic to honey or don’t like the smell of rosewater could easily skip this two ingredients from his or her moisturizing pack and try this method out only with the banana peel paste.
  • The richness of nutrients and minerals has made this single component capable enough to work against dryness, without any other companion ingredient.