Yogurt is a spectacular component to beautify and taking care our skin naturally. Its magical effects on skin cells help to renew our skin and make it flawless from every possible aspect.
This dairy product is compact with vitamin B, calcium, lactic acid and zinc nutrients, which all are individually functional to various skin problems and could provide us a skin tone that we always have craved!
The best thing about using yogurt for skin nourishments is that it not only works for one or two particular skin issues but benefits our skin cells from varieties of sides. Such as, brighten skin tone, exfoliate innately, moisturized naturally, reduce spot, clear blemishes, and much more!
This time we are increasing its skin-nourishing power by merging yogurt with some other skin-beneficial products for making some powerful face packs. Check out the preparing and using process below in details-
Yogurt for Acne and Healthy Skin:
1. Yogurt with Honey: Cleanses Pores and Heals Skin
Honey is loaded with several good nutrients, antioxidants and various healing compounds, which tremendously beneficial for the beautification of our skin cells.
Honey works as a natural skin-whitening product when merging with yogurt and cleanses the pores by exfoliating cells innately. Let’s see how to prepare and use this pack-
How To:
- To make this face mask, you will need 1 tbsp of unsweetened yogurt, 1 tbsp of raw organic honey, a small mixing bowl and a pinch of cinnamon dust.
- Firstly, take all the ingredients in your tiny mixing bowl and beat them up finely with a fork.
- After that, clean your face with water, pat dry and apply the pack on your entire face, except the under-eyes places.
- Leave the pack for 10-15 minutes and then, wash it off with lukewarm water.
2. Yogurt with Lemon: Even Tone Skin Complexion and Reduces Spots

Lemon is a common kitchen ingredient that could beautify our skin tone and solve several skin issues optimistically. Lemon juice is rich in various nutrients which bring us numerous beauty benefits like lighten skin complexion, curing excessive oil, reducing spots, etc.
This beneficial juice work as a natural bleaching component while amalgamating with yogurt, thus you can get rid of your unwanted facial hair permanently if you could bring this pack in your weekly beauty-care process! Let’s see how to prepare and use this natural bleaching pack at home-
How to
- Take 1 tbsp of normal yogurt, in a small bowl.
- Now, half of one lemon from the middle and squeeze its juice into that bowl.
- Sprinkle a few sugar granules into that bowl and beat the whole thing continuously, until those granules are dissolved completely!
- Then, apply this pack on your clear face and leave it there for 15 minutes.
- After that, wash off the pack with normal water and pat dry with a soft washcloth.
3. Yogurt with Turmeric: Brighter and Healthy Skin Free from Acne

Turmeric is full of anti-inflammatory properties along with antibacterial, antiseptic and antioxidant compounds, which all work positively to gain a problem-free flawless skin type.
This simple kitchen ingredient works as a professional beauty-care product since the ancient period and it works for whitening your skin naturally when amalgamating smoothly with yogurt. Let’s see how to make a face pack using these products-
How To
- Take 1 tbsp of plain yogurt along with 1 tsp of organic turmeric, ½ tbsp of raw honey and a few drops of fresh lime in a mixing bowl.
- Beat the whole things with a fork finely until they form into a thick paste.
- Now, apply this pack on the entire face, except the areas under and upside of eyes.
- Leave it for 15-20 minutes and then wash off with some lukewarm water.
4. Yogurt with Oatmeal: For Skin Dead Cell Exfoliation
Oatmeal is a spectacular product to exfoliate dead skin cells and drag out all the damaging elements from our skin naturally.
This product is also skilled to diminish excess sebum as well as dirt from skin pores and shrink ugly pores beautifully! Oatmeal could work as the brilliant facemask while merging with yogurt. Let’s see how to use them jointly-
How To
- Mix 1 tsp of yogurt and 1 tsp of oatmeal along with 1 tsp of organic honey in a small bowl or ladle or large spoon.
- Then, clean up your face with water or light cleanser and apply that thick paste all over your face.
- Leave the pack for 15 minutes to work on your cells and when it gives you a stretchy feeling, wash the pack off with cold water.
- After patting dry your face with a soft piece of cloth, apply a few drops of olive oil onto your face and massage it gently.
5. Yogurt with Gram Four: Acne Prone Skin – Removes Excess Oil
Gram flour or chickpea flour is another magnificent ingredient to beautify your skin naturally. This product is loaded with an outstanding exfoliating agent that clears your skin deep within pores manually and provides you a clear skin surface with less-acne possibilities.
When this natural soap-substitute merges with yogurt, it makes a miraculous beauty-care product for skin type. Let’s check out how to prepare this face pack easily-
- Take 2 tsp of gram flour and 2 tsp of normal yogurt in a mixing bowl and beat them up for a few seconds, until they amalgamate smoothly.
- Now, apply the pack on your face and massage for 5 minutes in a circular motion.
- Leave the under-eye areas and let the pack dry on your face for 15 minutes.
- Then, rinse your face off with lukewarm water and pat dry with a soft towel.
6. Yogurt with Baking Soda: pH Balance & Deep Cleanse
Baking soda is another great component to exfoliate our skin innately. It is rich in some good nutrients, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties; which help to cleanse our skin cells, balance the pH level and make our skin whiter, shinier as well as softer gradually or an after a few application!
It works as a natural skin-whitening component and functions more rapidly than any market-based beauty product, while amalgamating with yogurt. Let’s check out how to mix them properly-
How To Use
- Take 2tsp of baking soda with 1 tbsp of yogurt, 1 egg white and a few drops of fresh lemon juice in a small mixing bowl.
- Beat them up finely with a spoon and apply the pack when it turns into a creamy texture.
- Wait for 15-20 minutes to let the pack work on your cells and then, rinse it off with warm water.
- After that use a splash of cold water on your face, to close the open pores and pat it dries
7. Yogurt with Aloe Vera: Suits All Skin Types – Supple Soft Skin
Aloe vera is a boon for a skin treatment that is filled with numerous good properties, which deal our various skin issues swiftly!
The best part of this herbal plant is that it suits every skin type equally, whether it is a flaky or dry or sensitive and reduce the acne-prone skin normally.
When we merge aloe vera gel or juice with yogurt, they make a tremendous beauty pack for smooth and clear skin tone. Let’s check out the making procedure below-
- Take 1tsp of fatless yogurt in a small bowl and extract some aloe vera gel into it from an aloe vera stalk.
- Now, add a few drops of rose oil into it and mix them up finely.
- After getting a smooth paste apply the pack on your face and let it work for at least 15 minutes uninterruptedly there.
- Finally, rinse your face off with cold water and pat dry gently.
8. Yogurt with Cucumber: Reduces Dark Circles and Puffy Eyes
Cucumber is filled with plenty good properties which benefit our skin several ways. Thus it is considered as one of the best ingredients for taking care of skin cells naturally. Cucumber has the magical effect to fade dark skin tone and reduce discoloration on our face.
It also aids to fade dark circles, diminish puffy eyes, fade freckles, whiten normal complexion, wipe out sunburn and tighten pores magnificently. Cucumber could make a miraculous skin nourishing pack while merging with yogurt. Check how it works-
How To
- Take 1 tbsp plain Greek yogurt with 1 tsp fully grated or pureed cucumber and 1 tsp of raw honey in a mixing bowl.
- Beat them well, and apply it when you get a thick or smooth paste of them.
- After massaging the pack on your face in a circular motion, let it dry there for 15-20 minutes.
- Now, remove the pack with lukewarm water and pat dry with a soft washcloth.
9. Yogurt with Papaya: Fights UV Rays & Soothes Skin Irritation
Papaya is another fruit that contains various nutrients along with a high amount of anti-inflammatory properties in its small body. This tasty fruit also helps to fight the UV rays of the sun and soothe any kind of skin irritation naturally.
If you are seeking to make a pack that could moisturize your face along with providing a protection like a sunscreen then, merge ripe papaya with yogurt and apply it on your face. Let’s see how to make it-
- At first, mash some pieces of a fully ripe papaya in a blender, and take it out into a mixing bowl.
- Now, add a few drops of rosewater, 1 tbsp of yogurt and 1 tsp of raw honey into that paste and eat them well.
- When you get a smooth paste them, add a few drops of lemon and mix them well for the final time.
- After that, keep the bowl in your refrigerator for 10 minutes.
- Then, take the pack out and apply it on your face equally
- After massaging the pack for a few minutes, let it dry and then wash it off with cold water.
- Try to apply this pack thrice a week to get the outcome more dynamically.
10. Yogurt with Banana: Increases Blood Flow & Nourishes Skin
Banana is one more favorable item for skin beautification, which is loaded with various good properties and beneficial nutrients.
Banana increases the blood flow in your face and nourishes the cells spectacularly than any other effective facemask. Banana renovates the old cells and gives the whole surface a whole new look while mixing with yogurt. Check out the merging process below-
- Take ½ of a ripe banana and mash it up clearly in your food processor.
- Now, take out the mashed texture into a mixing bowl and add 1 tbsp of unsweetened yogurt along with 1 tsp organic honey into it.
- After beating them well, apply the pack on your entire face and neck in a thick coat.
- Wait for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with normal water.
11. Yogurt with Fenugreek: Anti-Aging and Reduce Fine Lines
Fenugreek is that herb whose leaves and seeds both are equally valuable for various reasons. Seeds of this herb work more spectacularly as an anti-aging product which lends a hand to reduce fine lines, wrinkles and other age-related symptoms naturally.
It could beautify our skin cells more vigorously while applying jointly with yogurt. Let’s see how to merge them together-
- Soak 1 tbsp of fenugreek seeds overnight and blend them in a blender.
- Now, mix that blended seeds with 1 tbsp of plain yogurt and beat them up finely.
- After that, apply that pack on your face and wait for half an hour.
- Now, when the pack seems dried out completely, wash it off with cold water.
12. Yogurt with Carrot: Naturally Brighter and Glowing Skin

Carrot is not only beneficial for your digestive tract and body health but, it works positively for our skin cells as well! The richness of vitamin A, C, K, antioxidants, beta-carotene, and dietary fiber compel carrot to function as one of the best home ingredients to look after our skin and to provide a flawless skin type.
The most applauding part of the carrot is that it work as an anti-acne substitute that makes your skin naturally brighter while mixing with a small amount of yogurt. Let’s check out how to prepare it-
- Make a smooth paste of carrot with the help of your blender first.
- Now, mix 1 tbsp of carrot paste with 1 tbsp of unsweetened yogurt and ½ tsp of besan along with a pinch of turmeric.
- Mix them finely and apply the pack on your face with your clear finger point.
- After waiting for 20 minutes, rinse the pack off with plain water and check out the natural glow of your face instantly!