1. Take fibrous foods to get rid of constipation Fiber foods are like boon when it comes to treating constipation. Dietary fibers that we eat can be easily obtained from various kinds of vegetables and fruits, even though our body is unable to process and digest fibers they hold a key position in our digestion […]
Category: home remedies

Home Remedies to Stop Snoring
1. Drink Chamomile Tea for Deep Sleep Without Sound Sipping chamomile tea before going to sleep could seriously help with the snoring problem. Chamomile tea is rich in anti-inflammatory agents that relaxes the muscles and nerves, thus stops the snoring from occurring. If you suffer from muscular aches too, then this tea would ease out […]

7 Best Home Remedies for Foot Corn for Quick Relief
Foot Corn Foot corn is developed when the skin present in the foot, hardens due to the effects of friction and pressure. In rare cases, they also develop in various parts of the body other than the feet. They also develop due to the prolonged usage of ill-fitting shoes. Foot Corn can be treated with […]

6 Effective Home remedies for stretch marks with FAQ
Stretch marks are our worst nightmares, as they prevent us from wearing certain clothes which we want to flaunt in front of everybody. These off colored streaks or stripes that manifest over the skin are mainly due to the result of weight changes or sudden stretching of the skin. They are very common in post […]

Easy Home Remedies for Body odor
Yeah we can understand that body odor creates you an embarrassing situation among friends and relation, but please note its not your fault “blame on the bacteria” which breeds in your underarms , feet, pubic and under belt region. Jump directly to home remedies for Body odor if you already know what causes such unpleasant […]

Quick and easy Home remedies for Burning eyes
Do you experience burning eyes ? actually most of the burning eyes with itching sensation could be caused by dust, pollen allergy, prolonged exposure in sun or swimming for a long time in chlorinated water and similar environmental factors such as smoke and harsh chemicals out from your deos and sprays. On the other hand […]

10 Easy Home remedies for cracked heels
Cracked heels are a general problem and manifest with symptoms like itching, redness, peeling skin, and inflammation. They have to be taken care of at the right time otherwise they may become more intense and painful. Lets check into some easy home remedies for cracked heels 1. Epsom Salt Dryness is one of the biggest […]

7 Easy Home Remedies for Dark circles under eyes
A Majority of people around the world suffer from dark circles under their eyes at some point of their life. Dark circles refer to a condition where dark discoloration occurs to the skin under the eyes. There are many factors that lead to the dark circle formation under the eyes Reasons for dark circles Aging […]

17 Soothing Home Remedies for Dry skin
Dry skin is very common, especially in the winter season. Various environmental factors like the winter breeze, which is cold and dry, deprive the skin of its natural moisture, thus, making it dry and rough. Other factors like natural deficiencies, genetics, and aging are also responsible for dry skin. You can use various products available […]

10+ Home remedies for sore throat with Tea Drinks, Honey lemon and ACV
Causes and Symptoms of Sore Throat If you have pain, irritation or itchiness in your throat then you are suffering from sore throat. You will find it difficult to swallow foods and drink liquids and the pain would feel like worsen every time you try to eat anything. There are various causes of sore throat […]

Home Remedies for Iron Deficiency: Iron Rich Foods Fruits & Veggies
Iron deficiency symptoms It is said that people suffer from iron deficiency without even knowing it, there are easy ways you can identify the symptoms that display Iron deficiency. feeling fatigued all the time weakness in the body having short breath nails becoming brittle in nature the skin color gives a pale appearance getting cold […]

Home Remedies for Heartburn: #9 Best Foods for Acid Reflux
Symptoms of Heartburn The symptoms of heartburn vary from people to people and the common symptoms that were observed among most of the people was an intense burning sensation around the chest and its nearby area that can persist for a couple of minutes to several hours, sharp pain in the chest when lying down […]

14 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Upset Stomach
Reasons for Upset Stomach There are many reasons that could lead to an upset stomach which is also known as Dyspepsia or more commonly called indigestion. The main reason that causes upset stomach is the contact of acid present in the stomach with the sensitive lining of the mucosa, the acid starts to dissolve the […]

Natural Home Remedies: How to Get Rid of UTI Fast
How to get rid of UTI (Easy Home remedies for UTI) 1. How Cranberry Juice helps for UTI Cranberry has found to be very effective against UTI as they increase the acidity of our urine, which in turn changes the condition of the Urinary tract making the growth and development of bacteria nearly impossible. New […]