Turmeric for PCOS: PCOS is an illness that occurs due to the hormonal disorders and causes enlarged ovaries along with small cysts on the outer edges of a woman. PCOS may seem a mild disease at their primary stages, but it could lead to a serious health condition anytime if you keep it untreated for […]
Tag: turmeric

Turmeric Home Remedies for Heart Burn & Asthma
Turmeric is a root spice, prepares from the Curcuma longa plant root and emerges as an aromatic rhizome that uses to add color as well as flavor in the cooking preparations. This spice is rich in ample of health beneficial and therapeutic properties which aid us to get rid of thousands of serious illness smoothly. […]

9 Best Foods and Home Remedies Hormone Imbalance
Hormone imbalance is a simple and typical health disorder, but it can drive several hazardous diseases in our body and gives us real trouble if we don’t deal with this inequity properly. A Hormone imbalance could occur for various reasons in your body, but, we can prevent this imbalance to happen with some plain tricks, […]

14 Best Foods and Home Remedies for Autoimmune Disease
Autoimmune disease is a matter of concern for us, because, in this health disorder, our body immune power functions abnormally, like low or over than proper quality. In over activity, the system hits its own tissues and in low activity, the body loses the ability to fight against other diseases. Thus in this health disorder, […]

9 Home Remedies and Best Foods for Burning Feet
Burning feet is a weird illness in which your feet start burning themselves with an unbearable inflammatory sensation. Once this burning foot hit on your body, it grows itself day by day and will turn into severe pain, if you don’t’ apply some cure methods immediately. According to the medical terms, this disease is called […]
Gram Flour Home Remedies: Facial Hair Removal
The effectiveness of gram flour on removing hair is one vital reason of appreciating this domestic geek stupendously as a beauty care product! The tiny granules of gram flour exfoliate sebum and rough compounds grab the hair firmly while start growing, which decrease the speed of hair growth amazingly. Let’s check our top three methods […]

Gram Flour Home Remedies for Clogged Pores and Pigmentation
Clogged pores are one disgusting crisis for anyone, which leads various issues to our skin like pimples, blackheads, pigmentation, aging problem, etc. The richness of several good nutrients like anti-aging properties, anti-microbial compounds, etc. resolves these types skin problems effortlessly. Such as clogged pored, shrink them, prevent them from enlarging, remove the pigmentation, and making […]

Turmeric Home Remedies for Cold Cough and Thyroid
Turmeric for Cold or Cough: Turmeric has been considered as one of the best homemade remedies for curing a cold and cough rapidly of the ancient era! The richness of curcumin compounds along with antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties in turmeric reduce the allergic mucus from your breathing tract, cure the flu or bronchitis and […]

Turmeric Home Remedies for High BP & Cholesterol
Turmeric for High BP: Turmeric is rich in vitamin C and E that help to decrease the pressure in our blood vessel and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease naturally. The curcumin compounds of turmeric bring the best positive effect on our blood vessels which force to maintain a proper blood circulation process for […]

Turmeric Home Remedies for Ringworm and Urticaria
Turmeric for Ringworm: Ringworm is another curse to our skin, which may occur for several reasons but, could be healed with this single ingredient proficiently. The antibiotic and antiseptic properties of turmeric kill the bacteria of ringworm and soothe its itchiness slowly. Let’s see how to use turmeric in ringworm- Combine 1tsp of turmeric juice […]

Exercises and Home Remedies for Heel Pain
Heel pain is one type of common foot problem, in which we have difficulties to walk due to the ache on the backside of heels. The pain mostly occurs exactly the point where Achilles tendon connects with the heel bone but sometimes it incorporates the whole heel area and its side portions entirely. The most […]

Natural Home Remedies to Deworm Yourself
De-worming is a process in which effective medicines use to clean helminths parasites from the intestine of humans or animals through painless medication process(1). There are many types of tiny parasites could be found in the intestine route like flukes, roundworm, tapeworms, flatworms, pinworms, etc. though they contain different shapes and texture yet the internal […]
Turmeric Home Remedies for Arthritis and Gout
Studies have been proven that turmeric has an optimistic effect on our body and brain. Probably that’s why; this kitchen ingredient has been used to treat various health issues from centuries. According to the modern research, it is quite difficult to find an illness where turmeric if ineffective! Today, we have emerged with an entire […]